Tuesday 14 December 2010

Stone Soup - Magic Cube

On my last day on this project at Stone Soup i had the idea to produce a magic cube which would support a really strong concept! although i know the budget wouldn't allow this sort of product i wanted to give it a go and see how it works and how its used. 

The final product came out really well, after a few very frustrating attempts, but the cube works well and i think it really gets a sense of movement across to the viewer. I really love the folding to this piece, always revealing something new, never coming to the end and never having to start in the same place. 

I showed this to the Stone Soup team and they all really liked the idea of it and thought it could be a really strong piece for them, if only they had the budget. The only thing that dosn't work with this piece is that fact that the campaign logo is unseen until you have picked it up and played with it and even then could easily missed. 

If i had more time i would like to address this issue and maybe use the logo throughout or somehow combine the two. 

I think it was important for me to try this even though it was out of budget, as now i have the knowledge of this product and i you should never disregard a good idea because of other restrictions. 

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